Agency Name Santa Cruz Area Chamber of Commerce
Categories Resource Center
Contact Name Jodie Kench
Agency Email
Agency Address 725 front st suite 401 Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Agency Phone 831-457-3713 / Annette: 831-457-3720
Web Address
Office Hours M-F 9am-4pm and by appointment
Distance from Campus 2-3 Miles
Nearest Bus Lines Downtown Santa Cruz Metro Center, walkable distance
Mission Statement The Chamber has been a local voice on behalf of business and the community since 1889. We are an independent Chamber of Commerce working within the Santa Cruz community bringing together businesses, workers, residents, organizations, citizens, and local governments to promote economic vitality and prosperity in Santa Cruz County.
Volunteer Duties Opportunities to volunteer at the Chamber are available throughout the year. Build stronger relationships with other Chamber members through volunteer work in various areas, including Community Affairs, Finance, Marketing, Membership, Leadership Forum, the Business Fair, the annual recognition dinner, and special events. Most committees meet once a month for a couple of hours. Contact us for more information.
Notes Updated 5/4/18